The European Commission and the Member States have acknowledged that the boundary between the scope of the Lift Directive and the Machinery Directive is not clear enough. Therefore, Article 24 (1) of the Revised Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC) foresees an amendment within the scope of the Lift Directive (95/16 / EC). In line with this amendment, the definition of the elevator included in the Elevator Directive (95/16 / EC) will be as follows: “For the purpose of this Directive, ‘elevator’ is a system that serves certain levels, is non-flexible and moves along guides that make an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal. carrier shall mean a lifting gear intended to carry:
— kişiler,
— kişiler ve mallar,
– if the carrier is accessible only the goods, one person can enter without difficulty, and the carrier can be inspected from inside or at controls within the carrier accessible by a person. Lifting equipment that moves on a fixed course of travel, even if not on inflexible guides, shall be regarded as elevators covered by this Directive. A “carrier” means the part of an elevator where people and / or goods are supported for lifting or lowering.
This Directive does not apply to:
– lifting appliances whose speed is not greater than 0.15 m / s,
– construction site elevators
– wired overhead lines, including funicular,
– elevators specially designed and built for military and police purposes,
– lifting equipment where the works can be carried out,
– mining cranes – lifting equipment intended for lifting performers in artistic activities,
– elevators mounted on vehicles,
– lifting equipment attached to the machines and those intended exclusively for access to workstations including maintenance and inspection points on the machine,
– rack and pinion trains,
– escalators and mechanical escalators .. ”
As of December 29, 2009, with the implementation of the Revised Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC), elevators that cannot travel with a speed of more than 0.15 m / s *** will be excluded from the scope of the Elevator Directive (95/16 / EC) and therefore, the Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC) / 42 / EC). In addition, the revised Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC),Basic health and safety requirements are included in Annex 1 to address specific risks associated with lifting machinery serving fixed landings. Article 24 (2) of the Revised Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC) brings an amendment to the 1,2 section of the Elevator Directive (95/16 / EC) in Annex 1. Accordingly, from this date on, the carrier of each elevator within the scope of the directive is required to be a cabin.
A manufacturer or installer has the responsibility to investigate and determine which legislation the product falls under, in order to comply with the legislation by performing the necessary conformity evaluations before placing its product on the market.In this direction, it should be checked whether the installations, which are generally called lifting and carrying equipment, are included in the scope of the Elevator Regulation (95/16 / EC) in the first place, and if they are in the scope, the elements within the definition should be evaluated at the next stage. If the product in question complies with all provisions of the Regulation regarding the definition of elevators,The installer should know that his product will be within the scope of the Elevator Regulation (95/16 / EC) and must carry out the conformity assessment procedures according to the provisions of this regulation.
RESOURCES (1) Elevator Regulation (95/16 / EC), Official Gazette dated 31/01/2007 and numbered 26420, (2) Elevators 95/16 / EC Directive Implementation Guide, AYSAD Elevator and Escalator Manufacturers Association, October 2007, Vol Xpress Printing Inc., Istanbul
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“Quoted from CME IN TURKEY (Chamber of Mechanical Engineers).”